How to work to impress your Client

Hello Everyone,

I hope you read my previous post about 'How To get your First Job. Today we going to discuss about HOW TO WORK so that you can impress your client.

As I discussed earlier, I will write the post more oriented for civil field so I'll describe key points that I learned from what I faced when my first client started making demands about his new home and how I made an impression on them.

"Every morning, when you wake up train your mind to come up with a design or idea that can make you stand out of crowd."

I always feel that getting a client, is easier than to satisfy the client, when a person come up with a Hope that you'll understand n make his Dream house into reality, It becomes your responsibility to provide a complete and happy solutions to the riddle in front of you. This is not a impossible task as the answer is You.

There is a pattern in, How to work to impress. I'll try to explain this in simple steps below keep your mind open maybe an idea will hit your mind while reading.

  • Listen to your customer:

This is the most important part, if you want to go Long.
I observed that a Customer will ask for your help, only when they'll finalize their requirements in their own mind. At the time they approach you, they'll start to explain details about there dream home and how exactly they want the specific structure. Sometimes they discuss things off topic but never loose your focus to 'catch the ball.'

Listen to your client

For Example: I'm taking the scenario of recent interaction.
My customer name is Sushil, he's about my age 25. One thing that I like about him is, he has a clear vision that:-
"My plot size is 25'*50', south facing, I want 4 bedrooms with attached bathroom and Open kitchen with store room for goods. Also A duplex hall with designer stairs. One Guest room+TV room. Only if space remain, a Separate Pooja room will be fine."
From Sushil's one statement I got all my necessary steps, that I needed to cover while designing the house plan, so That I can impress him with my talent. So I urge you to do the same, LISTEN THEM.

  • Don't make False Promise:

"A Man of his words"

Growing a business means building reputation and this comes when you fulfill all your promises.

Don't make false promise

In initial stage, to be successful many people agree to terms that are not upto there standards and cross there own boundary to satisfy a client with false promises, which result in loosing a client.

Always Remember, without checking every fact and detail of the work, do not make any promise about how the results will be. 'Giving an idea, about what you going to do, is important however you should mention it that it is not actual plan, it may differ.'
When you have customer's requirements, let them know facts, drawbacks of there demands, if you're not sure take time, read facts, than explain it to your customer, they'll understand. But making a false promise just to pleasure your client.

  • Sketch A Rough idea or Plan

Once you're done with customer interaction now it's your turn to pickup your 'Magic wand' and do some tricks to spread the magic on your client's mind.

Sounds Easy, and yes it is really easy.
You've plot size

You've Requirements

You just have to facilitate the pieces together.

Sketch a rough idea or plan

To do so, Make a rough idea of what you going to draw, is your idea (that you've in your mind yet) is really fitting into the limits of your land (plot size)? You also need to save margin for standard things like Doors, Windows, Wall thickness, Etc.
Once you're done on paper, it's time to move on software.

Note: Making a rough is important as it reduce lots of time and efforts in making your final plan to represent. Also you may  detect any minor mistakes, which can be removed in final draft.

  • Use Every Corner

When we study about Cadd plans and land, mostly all books n references cover a symmetric plan.

For example:

 A land have four branch, there measurements will be given like 45'*80' means- Side A (45'), Side B (80'), Side C (45'), Side D (80').

Side A and C- 45'

Side B and D- 80'

However in practical life you won't find any symmetric shapes at all. All sides will be different for that you need to detect the corner space (Guniya), to make the plan square. I've attached images to explain this point.

Guniya (Slope Rectangular)

In simple language, imagine a picture (Your actual plot), which is not symmetric and to adjust this picture in Frame (How your plot should), you need remove Corner (Guniya)

Now when you made the plan square, there are corners will be left in the plan, which will be huge for client, if land is small. In this situation you need to use that corners to make sure you're using every inch of land to facilitate the requirements of client. It'll make a really good impression on the owner.

  • Make A confident Plan:

When you're sure about plot, that the sizes that you've measured is perfect and you can facilitate the requirement, in the available area, of customer than Open the AutoCADD software and Start Drawing followed by setting up your UNITs, in very first step.

After you set the Units, Draw out lines of the plot first and draw the outer walls. 
The wall margin:
  • Brick wall: 4" (Without plaster)
  • Brick wall: 6" (With Plaster on both sides)
  • Stone wall: 13" (Without plaster)
  • Stone wall: 15" (With Plaster on both sides)
Once outer wall is done, move to inner walls and make sure, every room get proper ventilation, Every Bathroom have a window and a Proper drainage system can be installed in house.

Stairs, calculation is important mark the size and use offset to achieve a perfect number of stair according to distance and height. Also a water tank is must in home, keep the space and add other parts accordingly. 

After all the partition is done, Leave a space for Doors and windows. of standard size.

Door : 3'6"x7'
Window: 5'x4' / 3'x4'

Once you made the plan use Design center's blocks to improve presentation and add the measurement with title box to add notes for customer. Print it out on paper and you're ready.

Make a confident plan

  • BackUp Plan

Keep a note to yourself that a 'client can reject your best work at first glance' for any unrealistic reasons (They might consider your best plan later). At that very moment, you need to show alternative to make sure your client doesn't loose faith in you.

Dealing with a local client who is going to spend 30-40 lakh rupees, will surely check other options available in market (YOUR COMPETITORS), so you need to make sure to tie every loose end to keep customer in your loop.

Here Are Some Key Points to Note:
  1. Make the plan with your full attention.
  2. Once you're finish from your end, cross verify the plan.
  3. Find the alternate design, just in case customer demands to look at other option.
  4. Ask for more time if you're not sure about plan.
Back Up plan

  • Do not Hesitate to Take Help 

In Construction field, there are so many areas that need to be take care however you can't do every thing single handed.

Split your work, Take guidance from senior, Help your colleague, Share your knowledge with your assistance, Only when you're unable to finish the task with 100% dedication within the time frame.

Sharing your knowledge without any purpose will result you nothing, decide your Goal, if you need help than don't hesitate for it.

Seek Help

Thank you everyone.

Ishaan Designs and developers

Thank you everyone for reading this topic and I hope my personal experience will help you to grow in Construction field also check out the video below: "How to work to impress your Client" on youTube.
